Friday 4 August 2017

Day 167: Suriname and Herbed chicken

Good evening, Raffies!

Today we are escaping the cold for a while and are flying over to Suriname. I first got to know this cuisine, when I first came to the Netherlands. Enjoying Roti, chicken with kouseband, the long green beans, curries etc.
For today's dinner, I wanted to try something I hadn't tried before. So I started digging.
On a website called thelatinkitchen I found some interesting facts regarding the Surinamese cuisine. However, I randomly found on different pages a dish with chicken and herbs that caught my eye: herbed chicken.

Suriname is a barely known Latin American country. Its cuisine reflects the multicultural country of Suriname. There are influences from Java, East Indies, Creoles, Maroons, Chinese, Dutch and Jews. One of the national dishes is chicken with rice and the yardlong green beans, kouseband.
Other favourites are roti, peanut soup, pom, telo, and an ever present spicy sauce made out of Suriname's famous hot yellow chili that resembles habanero, Madame Jeanette peppers.

Herbed chicken is a simple chicken dish with fresh herbes that can be found in an infinity of different varieties. So here comes my version of this herbed chicken. (For my recipe, I followed different sources).

300 g chicken breast
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp ginger, powder
1/2 tsp laos (galangal powder)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper, ground
1 onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 tsp sugar
1/2 bouillon cube
1/2 c fresh parsley
1/2 c fresh cilantro
1 tbsp oil
1/2 lime, juice

Mix the spices (garlic, pepper, salt, laos, ginger in a small bowl). Mix up the garlic pepper, ground ginger, laos and salt. Chop the herbs and fillet the chicken breast. Now pound it and either keep it whole or cut in small pieces. Season the chicken with the spices you had previously mixed in the bowl.
In a pan, heat the oil and fry the chicken until golden. Now add the onion and the bell pepper and cook for about 5 minutes.
Now add about a cup of water  and bring to a boil. Add the bouillon cube, the lime juice, the sugar and the herbs. Stir well and leave to cook for about 5 minutes. Serve with rice and kouseband.

The sauce was delicious. The pounded chicken was soft and tender, but also really juicy. Lovely dish with a lot of herbs, like I enjoy it!



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