Monday, 15 May 2017

Day 88: Kazakhstan and Chak Chak

Good evening, Raffies!

Today we are going to Kazakhstan! We are going to make Чак-чак, Chak Chak. The name seems to have come from Tartar languages and means "one after the other".
This is a very popular and common dessert all over the former Soviet Union.
It consists of deep fried dough drenched in syrup. The shapes vary depending on the region. Usually they are balls in Kazakhstan and among the Tartars, whereas in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan they resemble short noodles or Cheetos.
Chak chak is usually piled up into a pyramid like shape.
Traditionally they were offered to visitors or travelers and were a treat for special occasions. Since the pyramid tends to get hard with the syrup, you usually cut pieces out of the pile.

The recipe is very easy and the result resembles a doughnut in flavour.
I must admit that I ended up eating a lot of them, just "one after the other".



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